First Things First

Standing on our blank canvas section

We should have started posting about this journey a couple of years ago but like most things of this nature, you don’t really know if the rainbow you are chasing is going to have  a pot of gold at the end.  Well, we believe there is gold in this case and that is in the form of our very own Holdsworth custom-fit home.

I thought I’d try something a little different to my usual form emails and instead try and flex my blog muscles and document online, what we are doing.  That way you choose whether or not you want to listen to my drawl about how much angst/fun getting your own home built is.

Of course my target audience is family and friends so apologies to those that have stumbled here by accident. Of course if you are not family but are curious, interested or just plain nosey than help yourself to viewing our ideas and results during our first attempt at building a home to meet the needs of a family of four living in Christchurch.

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